Our Frog Facts information sheets explain how to create frog-friendly habitats and facts of frog biology. We are constantly adding new fact sheets. FrogFacts are reviewed by an scientific editorial board.
Please note that in some browsers you may need to press F5 or reload when viewing some of these larger PDF documents.
Keeping frogs in your garden Frog Facts 2
Establishing habitat on your property Frog Facts 3
Rainforest Frogs Frog Facts 4
Green and Golden Bellfrogs Frog Facts 5
Collecting and raising tadpoles Frog Facts 6
Frogs of the Sydney region Frog Facts 7
Frog Hygiene for captive frogs Frog Facts 8
Frogs as bio-indicators Frog Facts 9
Sydney Plants for Frogs Sydney Plants for Frogs
ENDFROGS report on Endangered Frogs was published by FATS in 1997 (see History).
FrogCall is the newsletter of the FATS group. It is mailed out to members every two months, normally just before the group's meeting. It is packed full of information - clippings from the news, field trip reports, pictures, froggy news and announcements, a rundown of the last meeting and program for the next, as well as plenty more material to fill those gaps!
FrogCall is edited and constructed by volunteer FATS committee members.
Any submissions for FrogCall can be emailed to the editor: Monica Wangmann
Posters Cane Toad, Life Cycle of a Frog and Frogs of Sydney