Welcome to the Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW!
The Frog and Tadpole Study Group of New South Wales (FATS) is a community group dedicated to community awareness and the conservation of frogs.
Key contacts:
Frog rescue and care: Frogwatch Helpline - 0419 249 728
Events, publicity, and speakers: Kathy Potter - 0403 919 668
Membership enquiries: membership@fats.org.au
All other enquiries: fatsgroupnsw@fats.org.au
Green and Golden Bell Frog Auditory Surveys at Sydney Olympic Park
FATS will be conducting auditory surveys at Sydney Olympic Park throughout November and December.
If you are interested to hear about frog behaviour and biology, and to learn the differences between frog calls, please feel free to join us.
Details: Surveys will commence at 7:45pm on Wed 20 Nov, Fri 22 Nov, Tue 10 Dec, and Thu 12 Dec
If you would like to join us please contact Arthur White on 9599 1161
Next meeting: Friday 6 December 2024
Our next public meeting is in December and everyone is welcome to attend.
Details: The meeting is held a the Sydney Olympic Park Education Centre, Bicentennial Park. Arrive at 6:30pm for a 7pm start.
The main speaker will be Anthony Waddle who is presenting on "Frog Saunas"
We will also announce Frog-O-Graphic 2024 photo competition winners, have a raffle and Christmas supper.
Greenacre Green and Golden Bell Frog site working bee
FATS has been working hard to re-establish and maintain Green and Golden Bell Frog habitat at Greenacre. If you are able to lend a hand with maintenance of the site and ponds please join us for our next working bee.
Details: Saturday 14 December 2024, from 830am. Access to the site is opposite 1 Bellfrog Street, Greenacre
Please wear long pants and enclosed shoes. Drinking water, sunscreen, and a hat is recommended